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South Malling CE Primary

Inclusion & SEND

What is SEND?

SEND stands for Special Educational Needs and Disability. Children may be registered as having SEND if they need support that is additional to, or different from, their peers.  There are four areas of Special Educational Need:

  • Communicatio and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Physical and Sensory needs.   

SEND children fall into two groups:

  • SEN support (most children)
  • An education, health and care (EHCP) plan (just a few children)

What is SEN support?

Pupils who are on SEN support might get the following to help them access the curriculum:

  • Extra help in the classroom
  • Small group or 1-to-1 learning
  • Support from specialists, such as speech and language therapists

You’ll be involved in making decisions about the types of support we will offer your child.

Pupils’ needs change over time, and your child may only need SEN support for a short time. We will regularly reassess your child's needs and, in conversation with you, decide what level of support they’ll need going forward.

What are EHC plans?

If your child’s needs can’t be met with the level of support we typically offer in school, we can ask the local authority to assess your child for an EHC plan.

These plans are legally binding documents that set out the support that education, health and care providers must provide. Pupils who have an EHC plan are entitled to extra funding from the LA to help them get the specialist support they need.

How will the school decide what type of support my child receives? 

Every child’s needs are different, and these may change over time.

We will try our best to match the support we offer to the needs of your child. We do this by making regular assessments of their strengths and difficulties. We will then put some support in place and see if that support helps them make progress in school. We will have regular meetings with you to discuss what's working and what isn’t and refine our support based on that.

How do I know if my child needs SEN support?

If your child is not making expected progress for their year group, they may need SEN support. We will discuss your child’s needs with you before placing your child on SEN support.

What if I think my child needs further support?

Please speak to Ms Annie Schulte if you have any concerns. We will review the support we have in place. If we are doing all we can, but still feel that we aren’t meeting all of your child’s needs, we may seek extra support from the Local Authority.

See what’s on offer locally

Read East Sussex’s local offer, to see what support is available to you and your child. https://localoffer.eastsussex.gov.uk/

External links

See the government’s overview of support for children with SEND:


IPSEA is a charity that helps parents and professionals to support children with SEN and disabilities:
