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South Malling CE Primary

Self evaluation & 
School Development plan

Self-Evaluation Form

A framework for self-evaluation helps us to know how well we are doing and how to improve. The Government (HMCI for schools) says:

“If schools are to maintain high standards or secure improvements, they need a strategy for appraising their own performance which complements the thorough but occasional health check provided by inspection. Monitoring and evaluation are essential to effective teaching and learning in the classroom and to good management and governance of the school”.

sef 23 24.pdf


School Development Plan

A School Development Plan (SDP) is strategic plan for improvement.  School improvement is first and foremost the responsibility of each individual school. It is based on the premise that schools themselves are best placed to identify areas for improvement and to implement changes that can bring about better outcomes for pupils.  

Self-evaluation leading to sustained self-improvement is therefore at the core of the school improvement policy.  Effective self-evaluation, and the actions that flow from it, should deliver improved educational outcomes and experiences for all pupils. Self-evaluation must be an integral part of the school development planning process with the resulting actions and targets captured in School Development Plans (SDPs).

The SDP is a strategic plan for improvement. It should bring together, in a clear and simple way, the school’s priorities, the main measures it will take to raise standards, the resources dedicated to these, and the key outcomes and targets it intends to achieve.

These paragraphs are taken from the Department for Education website.   For more information see here.

sdp 23 24.pdf