Lunches, Snacks and milk
School Lunches
Our school lunches are cooked onsite every day by Chartwells.
South Malling Healthy Lunchbox Guidelines
These are foods we would like to encourage children to have in their lunchboxes.
- Sandwiches/rolls/wraps
Fillings: meat, cheese, fish, marmite, salad (no chocolate spread or jam) - Salads: pasta, rice, couscous, potato
- Soup
- Dairy products – cheese, Baby Bel, etc
- Fruit yoghurts (no chocolate content)
- Fresh fruit/dried fruit
- Vegetables
- Seeds
- Healthy cereal bars (low sugar/fat content)
- Water
- Fruit juice or smoothies
- Milk
In addition to any of the above only ONE of the following on any day please.
- Bag of crisps
- Chocolate biscuit/small packs of biscuits
- Cake
- Processed food (e.g., Pepparami)
- Food high in fat/salt content (e.g., sausage rolls)
These foods are not considered appropriate:
- Any confectionery (chocolate bars and sweets)
- Fizzy drinks
- Nuts
We encourage children to bring in a snack to eat at playtime. This can be:
- Fruit (fresh, dried)
- Vegetables
- Seeds
- Breadsticks
- Biscuits, crisps, cake, sweets and nuts are not allowed.
Fresh fruit and vegetables are always available in KS1 classrooms.
Cool Milk scheme
By registering your child for our school milk scheme they will receive a 189ml (third of a pint) carton of semi-skimmed milk every day. This is delivered fresh and chilled to their classroom every day.
Thanks to government subsidies, school milk is free for all under-fives and is subsided at around £15 a term for children aged five or older.
School milk provides your child with essential nutrients such as calcium and protein, for strong, healthy teeth and bones. It is also rehydrating and energy boosting, helping to bridge the long gap between breakfast and lunch so children stay focused.
Find out the top ten reasons to drink school milk at
“How do I register my child?”
If your child is under five:
- Go to or pick up a form from school.
- Just register by a Tuesday for your child’s free milk to start the following week.
- Free milk will continue until the Friday before your child’s fifth birthday. You will receive a payment request three weeks before this time. If you wish for your child to continue to receive school milk, simply make a payment.
If your child is over five:
- Go to or pick up a form from school.
- Pay Cool Milk online, over the phone, at a local PayPoint or by cheque in instalments to suit you. If registering online you can pay straight away, if using a registration form you will need to wait to receive a payment request.
- Just pay by a Tuesday for your child’s milk to start the following week.
Visit or contact Cool Milk directly on 0844 854 2913.